To my little Angel

Just let me tell you
On your day of birth
You came from heaven
On the human Earth.
You brought me peace,
A peace of mind,
With me, my Angel,
You're always kind.
I wish you only
Faithful friends,
Romantic love,
Which never ends,
Blue sky and sun
Above your head.
I ask your fate
Be not too bad.
My little Angel,
You are so gentle!
You are so nice,
And wise and good
I wish you
Always be in mood!
I'm asking you
Don't go away!
Please come to me
At any day!
I'll bring you joy,
I'll bring you heart,
It's beating now so very hard!
My little Angel,
Take my hands,
I want to go with you
And dance!!!

Many happy returns of this day to your Angel))))

Кергуду Бамбарбия   12.04.2009 04:21     Заявить о нарушении
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