bum! hangover delirium

I’ll try to define,
I’m terrified.
Give me some heat and light;
Let you leave – friends of mine: till ‘a’-nine..

Yes, I sign.
Put myself to the line
       to a quack –
Give myself panaceas,
Shake their hands – satisfy all that curious seers.
Till the lack of the wine..

Bum! Course every time
       I drink, I hear this
Bum. Course every time
       I think, I want to freeze – what?
I feel my head blowing up, blowing up:
Feel my heart jumping out, jumping out:

But – bum! – it’s forbidden to tell them the plot –
       for what?
be a faithful support to the Lord:
There’s the guardian wing of yours,
But unfortunately wants to have sins of force.

I try to define –
Please, shine for the living devices..
It’s my illness. In years it will fall – now’s the crisis.
Better look at the vines

I inhere!
Be aware of my tines:
Here they are – salt and water!

Aaand –
Bum! Course every time
       I drink, I hear this
Bum. Course every time
       I think, I want to freeze –

I feel my head blowing up, blowing up:
Feel the cry bursting out, bursting out:
