Not only prayer could feel

Not only prayer could feel

That love is living, it’s real,

And it is breathing your soul

It gives you definite role


Tomorrow, why do you leave my sorrow for another day, what to say?


That pain is pushing your heart

Your heart is aching tonight

And there’s no sensitive rhyme

To get off probable crime


Tomorrow, why do you leave my sorrow for another day, where to stay?


May be I’m all right to get it twice

Oh, my sadness time, you fly too high

Did I cross too many roads?

Have I been too far from home?


Why should I keep such a lonely distance?

Why should I admire your resistance?

Founded for two hearts, world is not enough

Is it time to make it really closer, banding second half?


А по-русски уже не получается?)))

Граф Омани   24.09.2008 11:44     Заявить о нарушении
Дак это по-русски, просто буковки другие

Олег Савилов   24.09.2008 12:34   Заявить о нарушении
Кошмар! Неужели я даже по-русски понимать перестал?!))

Граф Омани   24.09.2008 12:40   Заявить о нарушении