How I got my first English book

A is for algebra,
B is for beans,
Run across my
First English book.
I never had an English book.
I do not know English, but
I want to know it.
I am so curious and happy
To see my first English book
Of the language that be soon
will be my second native language.
I jump for joy. I am happy that in two or less weeks I be in a new country called America that be soon my new home. I grab my book and look at it again and look at words that are so not familiar to me.
I begin wondering what means the word apple...
Is it a fruit or книга?
An animal or a spoon?
What can word can it be?
I need to find a meaning to these words.
I think of my friends
Marina, Mariana
who can help me
translate these words.
