My tender love

Please stay with me
And keep my tender love.
I wanna you to see
My love is white dove.

I wanna you to know
I love you very much.
I hate blue snow,
I don't like to touch

The silver cold ice.
Listen I love you!
I don't repeat it twice…
Remember I’ll stay with you!

I find you everywhere,
When walk with spring.
I’ll give you everything,
I’ll stay with you here!

I love you forever
And I give you my heart!
We’ll part never,
I don’t wanna part

With you, my dear!
Without you I’m in tear,
The nature fades to black
And I’ll not find my track…

With you I have wings,
I love and shine.
With you the world seems
Such a little sign

Of the huge luck.
Without you my life is dark,
My life is rainy day…
I just wanna stay

With you! Together we’re undying!
I wanna live in your eyes!
My life with you is the paradise!
There we’ll be together flying!

Будьте счастливы и справедливы,
Участливы, всеми любимой...
Не знайте бед и горя непростого,
Будьте здоровы,вы любви достойны...

С теплом и уважением, Елена

Поэзия Сердца   08.09.2008 05:51     Заявить о нарушении
Елена! Спасибо Вам большое!

Олейник Татьяна Николаевна   08.09.2008 15:24   Заявить о нарушении