Lose Myself Crying

I can't find a place...
To forget all your face...
I can't stand it more...

Припев(в дальнейшем просто Ch: ):

I lose myself crying...
I lose myself crying!
All the day...
I can't find the way...
I can't find the way!
To fade away...

Please come back to me...
Please come back to me!
Forgive me please...
I'm blame...

Ch: I lose...

I'm out of life...
I want take the knife!
And kill me one day...

Ch: I lose...

I know it's the end...
But i can't pretend...
I'm crazy of you...

Ch: I lose...

I want to continue...
I want now to kiss you...
To be in your heart...

Ch: I lose...

Forgive me my dear...
All i want to hear:
"I love you too..."

Ch: I lose...

But life is so real...
My dream you don't hear...
And I am alone...

Ch: I lose...
