Brothers In Arms

This hour has come,
The country has gone,
And you have a choice,
Now hear your voice,
You may live in lie,
Or die under fire,
Remember that one:
Your strenth is your gun,
Forget this thing never:
We're soldiers forever,
Bring our two guns!
We're brothers in arms!...


We will betray never,
We won't live forever,
Together we chose:
Today we won't lose,
And we will attack,
Please,wish us "Good luck".

We all are like one,
We all have a gun,
We know how to slay,
It's all that we may,
It's all that we know,
The rest we won't saw,
We don't feel the pain,
We don't see the rain.
Defending your land,
We'll fight till the end.
Bring our two guns,
We're brothers in arms!

Ch: We will...
