My Prince

Blame all but you yourself –
You are the Chosen One.
The bloody Chosen One.
You are the One.
You probably suppose that pain is fun –
You are mistaken, oh, my little Prince.
Yes, you’re a prince
And princes do not wince
When ordering to kill – and to be killed.
The canons’ greedy gullets should be filled –
So, let them be.
Since you’re the Chosen One.
Oh, yes. It seems, you think that pain is fun.
Oh, so you want my body? –
As you will.
Rape also must be fun, for all I know.
Blood will be looking gorgeous on the snow.
So, do not hesitate – I’m lying still.
You should be so persistent in your aim.
Since you’re a prince
And princes know no shame.
For heaven’s sake! Who else are you to blame
If not all those around?
You are the One.
My Prince, now you can see that pain is fun.



В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →