
A complete circle in the darkness
And I cant break on through
The poets are so heartless
They always say the truth
The shadows in my eyes
like beyond the river six
 Are walking in the ryes
I know they must be six
The first is the king of lizards
Who never can be the same
The second is indian wizard
Who can make the cruel death tame
The third is the queen of thunder
She walks in the shimmer light
And she can work real wonders
She can make the ground white
The fourth is the king of stars
His thoughts flow like water in stream
He gathers the cosmic dust
and make of it our dreams
the fifth is a queen of dawn
she is beautiful but very pale
she makes people feel very lone
telling them her light tales
The last is a labyrinth guide
the ironical master of wit
he can make you commit suicide
without showing you right exit/

In the place that people call darkness
there is a kingdom of time
but here is harmless
for living in land of reptiles
but some time ago time could kill
so the king decided to call
the indian wizard who lived on the hill
cause he could see through time walls/
so the wizard came and asked the king
«what do you want me to do?»
and the mighty king answered-dance through you ring
and make me immortal like you/
but what do you need this comedy for
the indian asked the reptile
if you d like to you can pass a law
and forbid you people to die
Oh no wizard, you cant understand
I want freedom for them all
but their death will live to the end

and we will stay all alone/
I understand you the mighty king
I ll make immortal all the lizards
now ill make my magic smoke ring
and there will be a blizzard
the indian dreamt as he gazed in the fire
he saw shadows dancing in sea
only he could save the lizard empire
only their death could make them totally free/
and in the kingdom there lived a man
who thought that he would soon die
he understand he was healthy again
and aloud happily cried
and all the citizens came to this man
and got what shaman had done
they wanted to see him to speak to him
but he had already gone
the wizard went to the valley of sun
to dance in the sand to talk to spirits
was it right to do what he had done
was it right to break all the limits.
