Statements and Understatements and Bumper Stickers
Life is a giant discount store
with a black-eyed cashier at the end.
* * *
Decoration of Independence.
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Filing in
And filing out -
That what life is all about.
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Eggheads of the world unite!
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An ability to make mistakes
distinguishes us from gods or animals.
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I am wrong, therefore I am.
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Nobody is perfect,
Except for myself
Between the second and the third drink.
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If you think that you need a shrink,
You better fix yourself a drink...
(Don’t worry, be happy.)
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Confidence comes when everything else goes.
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We get rid of our fears only
to be overwhelmed by our responsibilities.
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Free is not free but cheap is cheap.
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Never mind your own business.
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I am misunderestimated…
* * *
I am a touchy-touchy man.
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Don't drink and drive me crazy.
Indecent proposal:
His story is a history.
My story is a mystery.
* * *
The Upper West Side horizon:
Seeing Starbucks from Starbucks.
* * *
So far, so so.
Tombstone Notes:
No Comment
No Shit
* * *
It's never too late to miss an opportunity.
It's never too late to get disappointed.
It's never too late to fail.
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The son also uprises.
* * *
Immaculate misconception.
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