
Hurry, hurry, horror's here,
 hellish hissing heart can hear,
 heinous howling of hyenas
under humble hermit Venus!
Hallow halos, hidden hopes,
heat the hearths in haunted homes,
hurry, hurry, death is hungry!
To the holy hole
in the heart of hearts,
to the healing source
where the river starts,
from the hottest hate
of the huntress-sun
run, run!
Hurry, hurry, the river's dry,
hell and havoc beneath the sky!
And the river's dead,
and the heat is spread
all over the whole, whole world,
Hurry, hurry, horror's here,
force your haggard heart to hear:
"Hurry, hurry, hasten, hasten,
love is crippled, life is wasted,
hurry, hurry,
death is hungry!.."
