One night of salsa

I danced on the floor. Stars danced on the sand.
Those seconds were so full of time.
I thought you will not – you did understand
My dozens of ice-cream with lime.

Some salsa and friends, some midnight and moon,
Some candies with liquor and rum.
I`m leading the dance. You`re whistling the tune.
Some people are watching. Just some.

Those dancers around – their eyes twinkle bright,
The dance is transforming them all.
All twists, turns and shouts have magic inside,
Our movements renewing the hall.

The windows are closed. Don`t need them, do we?
Our smiles more important than moon.
Some people will say, if happen to see,
That we will be flying so soon.

The neon cocktails. The hallogen lamps.
Emotions are stronger than words.
I`m whistling the tune. You`re leading the dance
Till last unforgettable chords.
