Good And Bad And completely Ridiculuous in America
"Babyface" Thinkatsu came
To his aging father:
"Tell me, Old Man, what is Good,
And what is Ugly rather?"
Father scratched his balding temple
All forlorn and weary
What he said was an example
Preserved as literary:
Suach a conundrum you ask
For someone of your years!
Listen! Answer to this task
Will be full of tears...
Money - all the evils root
For which there is no cure
But a lot of it - Is Good
Little - Really Poor.
Nature's most beloved fruit -
Love is in the scope:
Man and Woman - Very Good
Other combinations? Nope.
If boy's hung like breeding bull
With Apollo's features
This goes very, very cool
With female creatures
If You live in Hollywood
Loaded, young and wild,
I would say it's pretty good
For adult and child
Bottom line, I'd mildly put
As goes Good And Bad
Be alive is pretty good
Opposed to being dead.
And a little nod to the author, to go on the sleeve:
When You torture people: "Why?!"
Always full of worries
Then you must be Slavik Y. -
Beyond the categories.
----------------- later additions
One who's inner-city goon
Of crimes commited proud
Will be pleasing very soon
County prison crowd
But who's aiming for the skies
Learns what's being taught
Guaranteed - some day he buys
German-made Auto!
-------------- from the super-liberal dad stand-point of view
"Father!", asked excited lad
Halting conversation,
What say You some day I had
Sex-changing operation?
"I insist! I beg! I order!" -
Dad approved his son
I had boy and will have daughter
For the price of one!
-------------- now experiments in russian - modernized and personalized. Just the beginning for now:
Крошка-Сын и Кроха-Дочь
"Поделиться, мол, не прочь
Философской мыслью?"
Ну-ка выдай нам ответ
Без теней сомнения
Что - Ништяк, а что же - Нет
С твоей точки зрения?
Свидетельство о публикации №108070300708
If boy's hung like breeding bull
With Apollo's features
This goes very, very cool
With female creatures
And here's one from me:
If you live in Hollywood
Rich and wild as rager
I would say it's not too good
If you surname’s – Ledger
Макс Неволошин 03.07.2008 05:35 Заявить о нарушении