Deadly sins

I’m tired of all those pompous things
They’re all now keeping in my dreams
In big big yellow rubbish bin
That standing in the corner

I locked them there, threw out the key
Threw out all of my memories
About those nasty awful things
That made me feel a horror

I swear, you know just all of them:
It’s envy, proud, and all those men
And women, who just not aware
That they completely stupid

Well, aren’t you tired of all those brands…
Fake smiles from lovely so-called friends...
Lust, gluttony and groundless faith
And stupid empty cuties

There are so many of those things…
Like greed and anger, lack of bliss….
It’s all will make you think like this –
Like there are no good ending

But it’s not true, and all you need
Is just to dream and to believe
That we can fight all of those things
And make ourselves feel blessing
