Goddess and the Abyss

Once I dreamt of horrid vortex - ever-swirling, ever-falling
Through the fabric of existence to unfathomable void,
To the gaping maw of blackness - greedy, gluttonous and swollen
Like a spider that had bloated of all boundaries devoid.

Lone, a goddess sat in stillness on the verge of ever-sinking
Morbid chasm, her features touched by the unrivalled princely grace.
Dreadful eyes of dying frenzy, were so ardent and so inky,
With a cruel vindictive passion they were furiously ablaze.

All was silent. Tears ran crimson - so unbidden yet incessant -
Rolling down her lionface where they left no track nor hint
Through the whirlpool of insatiable hunger to the depths and
There they vanished just as traceless as dust thrown upon the wind.

The Abyss abruptly spoke in a thousand hollow voices:
"To what do we owe this visit? What laments our wondrous guest?
On the edges of oblivion so recklessly she poises -
Is it out of compassion for some worthless mortal pest?"

"Nonsense!" answered the goddess, "I, Sekhmet, the Eye of Horus,
Am destruction incarnate, and the avatar of wrath,
The most sacred of all vengeance and the greatest of all horrors
That the human have encountered since Creation came to pass.

It is in the name of Ma'at, of the utmost good and justice
That apostates and betrayers have to perish in my hands,
But this balance is as pointless as my vehement bloodlust is.
All my company is only dust-grey dunes of timeless sands..."


I really admire the refinement of style and melody - it strongly reminds of Poe

Ирина Бабанина   20.04.2009 00:38     Заявить о нарушении
And you really got to the bottom of it! ;-) It *was* inspired by Poe of course. :-)

Thanks! :-)

Дориан Лемэль   20.04.2009 00:43   Заявить о нарушении
Stylistically inspired, I mean. ;-) Ahh yes, and by Kipling too. :-)

Дориан Лемэль   22.04.2009 00:44   Заявить о нарушении