Лента хокку черная
у моря безмолвия
ловлю тишину
в стакане с водой
разыгрался шторм
двенадцать баллов
опять шепчешь спи
а я и так уже сплю
куда уж крепче
в порыве ветра
закружилась в танце
пара снежинок
as cold as it gets
frozen to the core
the time stands still
living on edge
of the Occam razor
reality hurts
going off line
curving somewhere
out of control
unstable reality
like a nuclear bomb
that didn't explode
how can I stay
in this promised land
where I don't belong?
retired from reality
into this imaginary
paradise of yours
in a place called nowhere
time has lost it's way
it's going in circles
three black arrows
out of the deep blue ocean
aiming at distant star
some people don't change
no use trying that
you can only accept them
unity of the three
energy, mind and spirit
make emptiness dance
nothing to prove
in timeless void
with noone around
when reality becomes
a caleidoscope
all pictures blend into one
shadow has mastered hiding
from bright sunlight
so light never can find it
when all hope is lost
take a look at the children
who play with each other
a sleep of a dragon
another knight comes
a sad and lonely spirit
unwilling to see
that it's not alone
any star has a name
you want to know it?
you can just ask them
пение эльфов
тихий плеск весел
в шуме ночного леса
riddles of fate
are easily solved
by the moment of time
hellbound heaven
to open the gate
that doesn't exist
I feel deja vu
some part of me knows
what will happen next
countless butterflies
all of them pinned
to a white paper plane
time to sleep
Morpheus offers
a box of pills
eternal sleep
wrong side of the road
in the middle of nowhere
returning sequence
of unchangeable states
nothing ever happens
reasons have changed
everything disappears
after it's been understood
time plays it's part
on this empty stage
that cannot be found
almost finished
all pieces in place
except for the one
hidden in twilight
a crystal orb
shows only mist
all lightnings strike
at the church cross
that rises up high
don't let illusions
steal from you vision
that shows you the truth
still lost in shadows
even after myself
turned into one
being very simple
makes things easy
for the ones who are blind
Light travels fast
But sometimes it's better
To go sideways
it's only ourselves
and we cannot part
believe it or not
we could imagine
and change our life
into anything
all shades of gray
eternal twilight
the darkest embrace
you can see dragons
they travel through time
in eternal slumber
no time to cry
sound of a horn
summons for battle
singing and dancing
women they love it
we men like war
except for the gray
there's a place for one color
the color of blood
No use running away
Anywhere is nowhere
Any place is your mind
All those things in the mind
I guess they don't bite
but why do you keep them?
nowhere to hurry
anything takes time
and we have it all
being a true lie
is said to be better
then a lie false
the memories fade
into black&white
and disappear
at the beginning
it seemed so real
but it was too simple
this life offers pain
to all who can take it
and nothing but pain
no rest for the wicked
their countless sins
can't let go of their soul
from time immemorial
these things cannot change
maybe now is the time?
It's never too late
To fight off all the demons
From the palace of love
Lost in an ocean
Of empty words
With no sign of the wind
If I study myself
I see an emptiness
That doesn't exist
If you say good bye
To the shores you have been to
You'll see them again
Swim in the ocean
Never seeing no land
Just wind and water
spirit rises high
until it disappears
somewhere in space
looking for love
they search everywhere
except for their heart
It's hard to believe
Cause it never rings true
This ocean of lies
On a high mountain
We are still and thinking
Of lands beyond
Another day scratched
Out of this endless calendar
Just like this life
Over and over again
This song is repeating
But it's been better before
Nothing to say
Buried under a mountain of words
That fall from the sky
test of time
by the trials of faith
I wonder if it passes
You can't run from self
Even if you change completely
The mirrors lie
Demons fight demons
I don't care who's winning
They'll perish, I hope
Even the final battle
Has not affected
That chaos of yours
As I observe the mind
How it changes in turn
I don't ever change
Over the rainbow
Flies a lonely cloud
Melting under sun rays
Energy from the void
That is never dependent
On illusions around
You call that Freedom
Being a statue
Holding a flame?
Valiants fall
They never come back
To the beginning
Mirror reflection
Tries to be like me
But I don't even look
Mistress of shadows
Unites all the powers
Of darkness and light
If I try being true
I become impossible
Cause I truly am
One day you'll see
How blind you were
Along the way
Regrets and sorrow
Joy never had a chance
To have a place at this graveyard
A reason to live
A light on the way
That never goes out
Whining in darkness
The labyrinth ends
By a door with no lock
It seems to be true
Sad I know for sure
That it is a lie
Climbing a mountain
Just to have one look
At the world below
It's never too late
To start again
A million miles away
Amidst a stormy ocean
How can a lonely teardrop
Remain itself?
Alice departed
Leaving a smile of a cat
To slowly vanish in mid-air
Something to start with
A first step on the road
That goes a thousand miles
A need to be distant and cold
So far away from the sun
That it seems just one of the stars
All revelations fail
To reveal the truth
That I feel in my heart
Destiny's written
But those who write it are free
To be what they want
Creation routine
To let the creator
Dwell in his dreams
I can hear your thoughts
All green and wonderful
On my background of gray
Step inside
Those demons don't bite
They are imaginary
All knights are in order
At the round table of eight
Only one place remains vacant
taming a dragon
you'll need more than music
and angelic voice
music is out
silence follows
fantasy dancer
relax and listen
Universe is singing
to everyone
the touch of fate
seems a little bit cold
for a human heart
golden mirror
reads upanishads
for the empty room
Свидетельство о публикации №108042402650
тихий плеск весел
в шуме ночного леса=вот это понравилось больше ...
Наталья Велиева 30.03.2012 11:24 Заявить о нарушении