Alone in the dark

Alone in dark…
Alone in the feelings.
Alone in dark…
Forever like dreaming…

Disciple of nothing…
The teacher of killing…
See no one what I see…
Devil’s fearing…

No one can do.
What I see.
What I knew.
Want to be.
All I say.
All I know.
Want to get.
Want to show…

Who does know…

That I am alone!

I’m alone!
I’m alone!

I’m alone in the Dark!
I forget for I was!
On my life lays big rock.
I’m crying because…
I was fall… Out of free…
On my own… There is nothing will be!!!

Understand what I want.
I’m just need feel a rest.
I was seen hell began.
I would see what is darkness…
What I say… What I do…
No one see… No one know…
What I feel… What is true…
And even god can’t help me don’t fall…

Alone… I’m alone… Alone…

Alone in dark…
Alone in the feelings.
Alone in dark…
Forever like dreaming…

Disciple of nothing…
The teacher of killing…
See no one what I see…
Devil’s fearing…

No one can do.
What I see.
What I knew.
Want to be.
All I say.
All I know.
Want to get.
Want to show…

Who does know…

That I am alone!

I’m alone!
I’m alone!

I’m alone in the Dark!
I forget for I was!
On my life lays big rock.
I’m crying because…
I was fall… Out of free…
On my own… There is nothing will be!!!

I’m Alone in the Dark!
I hate and I want to fuck!
Remake all relations.
Rebuild conversation…
Try using of nation…
Recharge denotation…
Burn ever in hell…
Whatever you tell…
My love will burn…
My life on my own…

Alone in dark…
Alone in the feelings.
Alone in dark…
My life is pain of killing…

Never… Wanted…
Ever… Die…
Season… Haunted…
Reason… Cry…

So why?
I’m alone in the dark?
