inside me out
your words are dying beneath
it is the circle of pain
eternity froze the past
inside me out at last
you'll never feel me again
you scatter and vomit my pride
my future is stepping aside
you are the one I'll forget
no tears to pour, no anger
The Saga's chapters are banging
"In Chancery" and "To Let"
syllabical power of losing
the one, who's no more truesome
the rage of my echo's so thumb
so crucial, windy and awesome
I'll be. You will not see my blossom.
I cry. But I'm still so numb.
Свидетельство о публикации №108041503301
With all possible support, Natalia.
Наталья Подольская 26.04.2008 16:17 Заявить о нарушении
Ксения Девяткина 26.04.2008 18:50 Заявить о нарушении