The grey-eyed King

Перевод стихотворения Анны Ахматовой "Сероглазый Король"

Glory to you, inconsolable pain
For grey-eyed king is no longer to reign.

The evening of autumn was sultry and red.
My husband returned and so quietly said:

"Darling, you know, he was brought from the hunt,
Under an oak poor body was found.

Mourn for the queen - she's so young and so kind!
Beautiful hair has gone grey overnight..."

So, having said that he touched for the pipe,
Went to his work, having kissed me goodbye.

Now I'll awaken my daughter from dream
Only to see how her grey eyes will gleam.

The whisper of poplars is all I can hear:
"Your grey-eyed king's neither there, nor here..."

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