A minute of Love

He looks up the sky
Every day of his life.
He stares at the little angel.
She dances, she flies,
A fairytale smile;
She's doing the sky rearrangement.
He's in love with her deeply,
He's loving her, though,
He knows that the angels
Don't know what is love.
His love is so deep,
He's only one person
Who clearly can see
The beautiful angel.
The angel, the beauty,
She prays every day
To have enough heart,
So she could love back.
"Please, God, help me through!
Don't know what to do.
I want to be happy
By loving him too!"
God listened to prayers,
God clearly replied:
"You've been a good angel,
You helped, never lied,
But they get to love,
And you get to fly.
I think it's not fair
That you can't be happy,
So there's one way
For that to be happen:
You sacrifice wings,
You're human again -
For minute you love,
Next minute you're dead."
And later that night,
God looked down the sky,
And He saw the angel,
But she didn't fly.
She was laying down
Holding the guy.
Their minds and their bodies
Were dead by that time.
Her wings disappeared.
God said to the guy:
"You get to love,
And she gets to fly.
You gave up your life,
Your time, all your thougths
To see little angel,
To get all her love."
God looked at the girl,
He smiled at her:
"You gave up eternity
For minute of love.
Together forever,
Believe it or no,
You've been only angel
Who has ever loved.
Your souls may fly
Around every night -
There's everywhere love
That takes to the sky."
