Little Mary-Jane

One little-little girl
Was born in the large world.
She cried, because she feared,
Although her parents were so glad.
Her name was Mary-Jane,
 She’s beautiful and faint.
She smiled, when (the) sun arose
And light-rays touched her nose.
But when she became grown-up,
She suddenly lost her luck.
And when I once her met,
She seemed to me so sad…
I saw her at July night,
When stars were high and bright.
It was three month ago,
And now it’s cold and snow.
O, little Mary-Jane!
I must you see again.
Please just, just make one call:
It’s true, we’re both so lone!

O, little Mary-Jane!
Don't spend your time in vain.
Please just, just make one call
To comfort the pretty girl's soul!

Вадим Санкт-Петербургский   25.02.2008 23:35     Заявить о нарушении