
I say Good-bye,
 My lovely lovely lovely lovely Women!
I say Good-bye!
 And You should hear all my Angels cry,
I say Good-bye!
 I see no feelings, there is only ruin,
I say Good-bye!
 We have no way, We need to pay the price!
I say Good-bye!
 I see Your Eyes, Your magic Eyes forever!
I say Good-bye!
 We come along to yesterday, I can not go away,
I say Good-bye!
 We have almost gathered our stouns, Now or Never
I say Good-bye!
 Your tender Kiss as Farewell is in my soul today...

Good-bye, my love, good-bye...)) It's very beatifull...

Аня Духанова   23.08.2008 11:54     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much! Nice to read such words! Best regards,

Иван Готский   23.08.2008 20:26   Заявить о нарушении
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