The Mayflower...

Between the Oceans - Pacific and Atlantic
The immense Rocky Mountains arrise…
A lot of people live in that romantic
The fare place where it begines Sunrise…

The Pilgrims came there hundreds years ago
When the fameous “Mayflower” crossed the Ocean…
But now the Youth thoughts are - that so
Was allways from the world’s promotion...

The ways of Amerigo, Columbus, Magellan
By which they came to that very fare land
Aren’t used in our times. But after the Sun
The Oceans can be easily crossed by any air-jet…

New Pilgrims went from Asia and Europe that way
And a lot of them are collected there, possible to say…
So really the immense Nothern Continent presents
The connection of European and Asian Lands…

It’s population represents all the world’s regions
And it has belivers of all world’s religions …
There is a hope, that people of all seas and lands
Are becoming there in time the real friends…

But that isn’t really quite an other nation –
That is of all the known nations collection!
And isn’t it the matter of time and fate to decide –
What to think about all of that and be right …

Thank you for the verse, Gavriil! I've read it just now with genuine interest. It's a real ballad and I think it was not quite easy to write such lines. Now I know that you are a true romantic. Me too, by the way! And so, my best greetings to you.


Валерий Шувалов   13.01.2008 20:49     Заявить о нарушении
It was written - in one day... The idea visited me - and it was written at once,,, It didn't depend even on me...
These two poems were written in one week ... but more often - I think that the last poem is allready written, and I cann't write anythink for days and weeks...

My best regards to You, Gavriil

Гавриил Иваниченко   13.01.2008 21:18   Заявить о нарушении