Вечером. Анна Ахматова. Перевод на англ. яз

"In the Evening" , 1913.
My translation from Anna Akhmatova. 1889-1966

The music was ringing in the garden,
And I could hear beyond expression grief.
Fresh breeze from sea was sharp,
In ice, on a dish - fresh oysters.

He said to me: " I am your friend! Believe!"
....................He touched my dress,
This didn't look like huging
Because of coldness of his arms, I guess...

It look to me like he stroke the kitten,
.................or the bird wrong way,
He saw the horsewoman's sharp in me, I say...

And only the laughter in his eyes
Was shown balancing, unruffled calm...
O, His eyelashes golden flap I love!

The voices of sorrow violins
Are singing in a dense smoke:
" God bless the Sky and Heaven:
The first time You
Are with your beloved alone..."

 Вечером. Анна Ахматова

Звенела музыка в саду
Таким невыразимым горем.
Свежо и остро пахли морем
На блюде устрицы во льду.

Он мне сказал: "Я верный друг!" -
И моего коснулся платья.
Как не похожи на объятья
Прикосновенья этих рук.

Так гладят кошек или птиц,
Так на наездниц смотрят стройных...
Лишь смех в глазах его спокойных,
Под легким золотом ресниц.

А скорбных скрипок голоса
Поют за стелющимся дымом:
"Благослови же небеса -
Ты первый раз одна с любимым".

I'll touch your feelings,
I'll kiss your eyes...
Be Happy, springness,
In your sunrise...
The world of alone do us to feel like to abstraction and surrealism.
Elysium and Heaven are two ordinary place for our soul existance.
But Anna did not alone I think. She did need a man heat in brutal reality surrounded her.
. . . . . . . . . Forever?

I wish you a good New Year and don't be alone!

Леон Ласков   03.01.2008 07:05     Заявить о нарушении
My Dear Lean! I am happy to hear from You!!!;~))

Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) is pseudonym of Anna Andreevna Gorenko.
Her first husband was Gumilev, and she too became one of the leading
Acmeist poets. Her second book of poems, *Beads* (1914), brought her
fame. Her earlier manner, intimate and colloquial, gradually gave
way to more classical severity, apparent in her volumes *The White
Flock* (1917), and *Anno Domini* (1922). The growing distaste which
the personal and religious elements aroused in Soviet officialdom
forced her thereafter into long period of silence; and the poetic
masterpieces of her later years, *A Poem without a Hero* and *Requiem*,
were published abroad.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Lean! Thank You again!!! I love You too!!!


Яни Сит   03.01.2008 07:56   Заявить о нарушении
Lean! I love Anna and Nikoly (Akhmatova and Gumilev) with all my heart!

One more thing: I kiss You, Lean!!!
Happy New Year! I am proud to be Your friend!

Яни Сит   03.01.2008 08:06   Заявить о нарушении
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