in vain

i am virtuous.
my virtues -
where are they?
i live behind the mask
of electronik name.
i am kind.
but kindeness,
where is it?
i`m trying to overcome
my lonelyness
and overthrow the burden
of electronic play...

What is vainly?
A life lived in vain?
And there is such life?
And death without the purpose?
Answer for itself these questions
and you will comprehend true...

Елена Сереброва   06.01.2008 00:13     Заявить о нарушении

it seems to be the same -
To die without purpose
And to live in vain
Or otherwise, -
To live without purpose
and to die in vain...
There are eternal questions:
To be or not to be,
And if you chose to live
The question is what for.
"in vain" i meant
To overthrow the burden
of electronic play.
and nothing more...

Thanks for such fruitfull reply, Elena
to my modest rhymes.


Филонофф   07.01.2008 16:12   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.