

Once upon a time
In a farthest snowy town
Settled in the midst of Swamp
Up he showed – а shady tramp.
Like a skinny darkish horse,
Having poked his cloaked nose
Into every chink and crack,
He carried on his scraggy back
An ugly dirty patchy pack.

As if having second thought,
Stopped the tramp to scratch his pot,
Turned his head from left to right,
Chuckled, having seen the light,
Plodded nagging to the inn
Witty called ‘The Deadly Sin’.
Percolated through the door,
Placed his pack onto the floor –
Never cleaned so much and more.

Looked around just in case,
Slipped through the hall in no haste,
Having sat in a shady corner,
He sizzled, foul, for the owner.
Old Nick appeared in a wink,
The patchy pack was made to shrink.
With no word and no sigh
The tramp departed outside
And snow muffled the easy stride.

Since that time the snowy town
Never saw the tramp around.

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