К. кедров президент ассоциации поэтов unesko

Russian Poetry Society
Category : Organizations
Country/Territory : Russia
Address : 10, Bolshoi Gnezdnikovski Pereulok, Apt. 525
City : Moscow
Postal Code : 103009
Telephone : +007 095 2294451
Fax : same
Email address : kedrov_doos@mtu-net.ru
Website : http://metapoetry.narod.ru
Date of Creation : 03.10.1998
International outreach : No
Nature of the organisation (poetry house, NGO, other...) : Charity - promoting poets and poetry in Russia today.
Activities of the organisation
Main activities for coming years : The Poetry Society was established in 1998 by the leading Russian poets Genrich Sapgir (1928-1999), Gennadi Aigi, Konstantin Kedrov (the current President), Anatoly Kudryavitsky (President from 1998 till 1999), Tatyana Shcherbina and Larissa Miller. The aim of our society is to help poets and poetry thrive in today's Russia. The Russian Poetry Society is a strictly non-political membership organisation open to all poets. www.metapoetry.narod.ru and the paper-based POetry magazine promote Russian poetry, especially avant-garde. They feature poets and poetry in the news, current activities by the Poetry Society and Poetry Cafe Bilingua, a members' arena to meet other poetry enthusiasts, information on poetry competitions and the World Poetry Day 21 March, as well as an extensive links section. Next year, the main activities of the organization are the National Free-Verse Festival and the publication of the next issue of the POetry magazine. The celebration of the World Poetry Day in Moscow will take place in the Taganka Theatre on March 25th, 2005.

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