A letter for Ded Moroz

Hey there, dear, Ded Moroz!
This is me, who's writing.
I know that i'm a little old for this,
But this is so exciting!

I'd like to ask you for a gift,
A really precious one.
Or not just one...a lot of things!
To have a lot of fun!

I know I'm 42 years old...
So what?! You gonna sue me?
You never wrote me any letters,
Refused to be my roomie.

There are so many things I want...
And it's so hard to choose...
I want expensive dimond rings
And fourty tanks of booze

And though you never sent a thing,
I still believe in you.
"So see you soon" I write again,
"Take care now, love you. Stu".

Хорошо, когда люди верят в Деда Мороза. Это сказка, волшебство, чудо!А что лучше, нежели вера в чудеса, помогает нам справляться с жизненными проблемами? Пишите и дальще ему письма, глядишь, ответит.

Нелли Григорян   02.11.2010 13:48     Заявить о нарушении