Ode to Anarchy


When I was young I heard it in the songs of Bob Dylan -
  his voice and guitar
had the power to destroy the grey walls of authorities
meant to encapsulate my soul.

I saw it in the films and read between the lines -
  of the books that were written
by many recalcitrant minds; they passed to me
this twig of rebellion from past generations.

I heard it in the cries of newly-born babies -
  sucking ferociously their milk,
they gazed upon this world with an equal look,
they demanded what was assigned to them.

I heard it in the laughs of young boys and girls -
  yearning for the impossible,
they had a special taste for adventure,
they were the captains of their fate.

I heard it in the clashes of revolutions and mutinies - 
  new and old alike;
they smashed the rotten order,
and hailed a new dawn.

But most of all, I heard it in the heave of the sea -
  in the sound of hissing waves,
as they kept rolling and rolling, and rolling,
unaware of Man’s presence.

 February, 2001

