As I depart hearken to my confession

As I depart harken to my confession

I lust after thy faint embrace—
My heart yearns o’er thine coy grace.
My precious love—‘twill aye endure,
I’ll ne’er quench to crave for you.

My utter bliss, my veiled desire,
I rave of thee, my soothing liar…
Why dost thee arouse concupiscence?
Wherefore dost thee turn to offense?

I take the rue: I loathe to wait.
My life idea, my pearly gate,
I daren’t touch thy longed-for lips,
Though thine fey eyes behold my deeps.

Wipe my vain tears with thy hand—
‘twill soothe my torments thee haveST sent.
Harken ravings’f morbid slave:
Thine beloved palms are my grave.

My soul toss’d ‘twixt my woes and death.
Thou shouldst wail—‘cause I confess.
And if thou e’en losest thy lust—
Embrace me, leaf, at my last gasp…

If you tell me some famed antique Briton took part in scribing this --- whilst you were asleep – I’d believe it ! :)


Fern   25.11.2007 11:54     Заявить о нарушении
That flatters me too much because it was the first experience of writing in Early Modern English. I hope I succeeded.

Марья Лааксонен   06.12.2007 21:56   Заявить о нарушении