All or nothing at all

Strange, how suddenly we disappeared
And the voices passed on to another dimension
I looked all around me, found just blossoming greed--
Greed of hunger and fake satisfaction…

Lonely people abandon, put in abstract misuse,
Fragile marks of emotions touched the tongue of my pride
Everything was in us, we were meant to refuse
Shaking cradle of faith in a shivering light…

Baby, you can give me all
All or nothing at all…
Sudden frightening call
Raised misused expectations
If we loose one another
In this dangling fall
I’ll recall Our souls
Striving for resurrection…

классно!!! на песню похоже))

Мурадян Гаянэ   11.05.2009 15:15     Заявить о нарушении
а это и есть песня. спасибо

Бэла Ио   19.07.2009 02:13   Заявить о нарушении