Моя юность Догоняла...

Моя юность догоняла... блики солнца нежные...
как цветок весною... расцветала... и мечтала...
Соловьи весною пели свои трели... я с надеждою...
всё свою любовь ждала... укрыв листвою свежею...

Жизнь моя была похожа... на тропинку узкую...
тернистую... по тропинке я бежала очень быстро...
Не успела и заметить... перелесок с косогором...
и обрыв жестокий...одиноко...горько стало...

Очень время торопило... провалилось в прорубь...
искупалось...и застыло... сердце заморозив...
Я девчёнкою бродила... по лесу... зимою снежною...
сердце нежное искала... чтобы отогреть надежду...

Мне хотелось тогда верить...в сказку ласки трепетной...
откровенье чувств открытых... и улыбок счастья...
Говорили мне в округе... не будь такою ветренной...
позабудь про грёзы сердца... не дели на части...

Мысли грустью кругом хороводили... лохматились...
закудрявив нежную берёзку... о любви вздыхала...
Я мечтала...в танце глупого полёта уносилась в дали...
но нечайно... оголтело... вдруг отчаянно влюбилась...
Растревожено закатом солнца... полыхало небо синее...
вдруг стрелой горячей... полонил меня любимый...
Приковал к себе он взглядом... понавесил сети...
лишь о нём вздыхала я... и ни о ком на свете...

My youth catching up... gentle glare solar...
I dreamed of spring... like flower blossomed...
Nightingales sang their trills in spring hope ...
all about love... covered with fresh foliage...

My life was like... long as narrow road...
thorny... it ran very fast... along daily cold...
I didn't have time to notice... copse slope ...
cliff is cruel... it became bitter... and lonely...

But time was in a hurry... fell into the hole...
freezing my heart... and I swam in cold... 
I wandered like a girl... through the forest...
blown wind into my eyes and winter snow...
tender heart's looking for... to warm hope...

Then I'd like to believe... in fabulouse caress...
open feelings revelation... smile of happiness...
Don't be so flighty... everyone me told...
forget dreams of heart... not dividing gold...

Sad thoughts dance... around shaggy sorrow...
sighing about love... the tender birch curling... 
dreamed... in stupid flight in a far distance...
Dance was carried away me... with enchants...
frantically... fell desperately in love... by chance ...
Blue sky was blazing... sunset disturbing...
beloved filled me... sudden with a hot arrow...
Hung nets on me... he's riveted me with glance...
in world I sighed only of him... and of no ones...
навеяно темой
Наизнанку... Часть 3. Взросление.

My youth catching up... gentle glare solar...
I dreamed of spring... like flower blossomed...
Nightingales sang their trills in spring hope ...
all about love... covered with fresh foliage...

My life was like... long as narrow road...
thorny... it ran very fast... along daily cold...
I didn't have time to notice... copse slope ...
cliff is cruel... it became bitter... and lonely...

But time was in a hurry... fell into the hole...
freezing my heart... and I swam in cold...
I wandered like a girl... through the forest...
blown wind into my eyes and winter snow...
tender heart's looking for... to warm hope...

Then I'd like to believe... in fabulouse caress...
open feelings revelation... smile of happiness...
Don't be so flighty... everyone me told...
forget dreams of heart... not dividing gold...

Sad thoughts dance... around shaggy sorrow...
sighing about love... the tender birch curling...
dreamed... in stupid flight in a far distance...
Dance was carried away me... with enchants...
frantically... fell desperately in love... by chance ...

Blue sky was blazing... sunset disturbing...
beloved filled me... sudden with a hot arrow...
Hung nets on me... he's riveted me with glance...
in world I sighed only of him... and of no ones...

Луиза Алиса   19.05.2023 14:17     Заявить о нарушении
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