Души твоей полёт...

По своей жизни...в детстве...бегала я сорванцом...
играть любила в прятки...летать любила... спорт...
и делала зарядку... бодрости заряд немаловажен...
Лишь состояние полёта... способно побороть... уйти...
от гиблой тины что поглощает душу... от зыбкого болота...

В котором можно утонуть... погибнуть...свет не тот...
затянут тина и трясина... источник притязаний топких...
источник оправданий робких... мечтаний сладких...
И загадок гадких... колючих истин... крючков корысти...
от злободневных бед... обгложет кости... и с белой тростью...

Люди призрачно шагают... дорогой жизни... и не замечают...
что закружило жизнь головоломкой... хрупкой... ломкой...
Вдруг стала жизнь твоя похожа... на отраженье чёрта...
что смеется... корчит свои рожи... глумится над мечтами...
И наделил людей... своими он чертами... пороками...грехами...

Очнувшись ото сна... продрав свои глаза...однажды...
прозрев... для созидания своей мечты далёкой... давней...
Поймёшь... что очень не похожи... все сны твои из виртуала...
на голь голимую... из горького реала... из нашей жизни...
Тенью вдохновенья... вдруг ляжет грусть... она тревожит...

Ну вот же вот... души твоей полёт... из сказки зазеркалья...
что так манит к себе... и тянет... грустью и печалью...
Магнитом неизведанных дорог... скитаний... по полям пустыни...
дали призрачной и синей... очертаньем сказочной долины...
И песней дивной соловьиной...что улетает снова к горизонту...

Раскрасив небо... в краски счастья... вступала в спор...
с загадками стихии... играла в догонялки... сверкали молнии...
Ненастье... перегоняла тучи грозовые... застыв на небе...
радугой волшебной... ловила солнца луч... любовь свою дарила...
Пролившись дождиком... улыбкой милой... над морем мира...

In my child life... I ran around as a tomboy ..
played hide-and-seek... loved to fly... sports...
Did exercises... cheerfulness charge is important ...
Just state of flight... is able to overcome...
leave... from the dead mud that engulfs soul...
from the unsteady swamp... in which you can ...

Drown... die... the light is not the same...
mud and quagmire will be drawn in ...
the source of claims of the marshy ...
Source of excuses for shy... sweet dreams...
And riddles of nasty... prickly truths...
hooks of self-interest... from topical troubles ...
gnaw bones ... and with a white cane ...

People walk ghostly... dear life... not notice...
that swirled life like a puzzle... fragile... brittle...
Your life began to look like... reflection of devil...
that laughs... makes faces... sneers at dreams...
Endowed people... with its traits... vices... sins...

Waking up from dreams... ince tearing eyes ...
having begun to see clearly... for the creation
of your distant dream... long-standing...

You'll understand ... that they're very different ...
all dreams are from the virtual ... to the naked...
from the bitter real... from our life...
Shadow of inspiration... suddenly lies sadness ...
it worries .. Well, here it is ... your soul is flying ...
from a fairy tale through the looking glass ...

That attracts you so much... and pulls you...
with sorrow and sadness...
Magnet of unexplored roads... wanderings...
through the fields of the desert...
gave a ghostly and blue ...
the outline of a fabulous valley ...

The marvelous nightingale's song ...
that flies away to the horizon.. painted the sky...
in colors of bliss... entered into an argument...
with the riddles of elements... playing catch-up...
lightning flashed... Bad weather... overtook
thunderclouds... frozen in the sky...
magic rainbow... caught solar ray... gave love...
Sweet smile...spilling rain... over sea of world ...

тема навеяна
Наизнанку... Часть 2. Детство.

In my child life... I ran around as a tomboy..
played hide-and-seek... loved to fly... sports...
Did exercises... cheerfulness charge is important...
Just state of flight... is able to overcome...
leave... from the dead mud that engulfs soul...
from the unsteady swamp... in which you can...

Drown... die... the light is not the same...
mud and quagmire will be drawn in...
the source of claims of the marshy...
Source of excuses for shy... sweet dreams...
And riddles of nasty... prickly truths...
hooks of self-interest... from topical troubles...
gnaw bones ... and with a white cane...

People walk ghostly... dear life... not notice...
that swirled life like a puzzle... fragile... brittle...
Your life began to look like... reflection of devil...
that laughs... makes faces... sneers at dreams...
Endowed people... with its traits... vices... sins...

Waking up from dreams... ince tearing eyes...
having begun to see clearly... for the creation
of your distant dream... long-standing...

You'll understand ... that they're very different...
all dreams are from the virtual ... to the naked...
from the bitter real... from our life...
Shadow of inspiration... suddenly lies sadness...
it worries... Well, here it is... your soul is flying...
from a fairy tale through the looking glass...

That attracts you so much... and pulls you...
with sorrow and sadness...
Magnet of unexplored roads... wanderings...
through the fields of the desert...
gave a ghostly and blue...
the outline of a fabulous valley...

The marvelous nightingale's song...
that flies away to the horizon.. painted the sky...
in colors of bliss... entered into an argument...
with the riddles of elements... playing catch-up...
lightning flashed... Bad weather... overtook
thunderclouds... frozen in the sky...
magic rainbow... caught solar ray... gave love...
Sweet smile...spilling rain... over sea of world...

Георгиевна   11.12.2022 02:53     Заявить о нарушении
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