Go away or fall in love with me!

You're the fire that burns in my heart,
My love to you is a magical art,
How I wish that you can feel the same...
Fears away! Come and burn in my flame!

Why are your eyes so cold as ice?
Why do your lips tell me only lies?
Darling, I'm tired, I've suffered enough -
Go away or just fall in my love!

Love is the most noble feeling in the world!Hope you will be loved and it will give you an incentive to compose more and more!I liked your poem,it is very deep and open-minded!Wish you good luck,Diana!

Диана Давоян   16.10.2007 00:01     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you for good wishes and the warm words about my poem! I agree that love is a very important feeling in our life. Wish you good lusk too.

Lost In Night   17.12.2007 19:36   Заявить о нарушении