The silence..

He flew away,
The silence just begin..
You saw how hawk was flying.
The sky was shine,
And clouds were white;
The soul was brave believe..
You make the flight.
My heart begin to cry,
Because you never will return
to me…

Perhaps, not only me
Whose heart was feeling death?
Your world inside my eyes..
You are inside my heart..
Believe or not
This situation just begin
With other world I start to dream

My life is true
How small this world for me..
You coming every night to me
You speak with me, you joke with me
You laugh with me this time..
And line of death just disappear
Like spectre of dark..

The light lay down from moon..
The light lay down from sun
 I just begin to fly,
 I just begin to die…

Всё понятно, начало полёта - есть начало дороги к смерти. У англичан другая ментальность. Стихотворение интересное и читается легко. Интересно.

Надежда Шлезигер   26.09.2018 07:34     Заявить о нарушении
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