His mysterious look

(translation of Лученко Святослава "Його погляд misterioso")

At midnight His look will barely touch the tired face. Through half-squinted eyelids He will set a fire in your eyes, sliding farther, and will be playing with the light of lantern on lips, hardly, almost unnoticed, from afar will kiss rose’s petals - aromatic and a bit withered… thirsty for dewy morning. And a wind of involuntary sleep will swing them, those lips, that whisper words of the unknown, yet songs, made for Him, and their singing is reincarnated in the whisper of the last burned out leaves in the autumn whirlpool of night, that is cold and blind.
“More, more… touch me with the thorn of your eyes, because the darkness of my lost expectations melts there! And instead, the secret thirst of Fire, Life, and wild dance of Passion and tempting delusion of free Will surfaces from a depth. Enfold me into shining sparkling goodies, which captivated surrounding darkness by its brilliance, let just one of them to become for me as a torch, as a leading star on the road of hopes and searches for heat among cold nightly hours. Let the bonfire reach high. It will alight my dreams and show out the pathway there, where the velvet abyss of Your look expects me!”
At midnight a bushed and misty river breathes heavily. Dark willow braids are dried-up from autumn wind, they are sorrowful and lulled by the mist. Here, between the taciturn figures of trees, my Sorrow walks barefoot. Hugging the thin white stance of birch, singing the favorite song... Pale and withered. Here I come... ”Run away, run away strange creature! Here is not a place for you! Here, besides the sorrow of autumn clouds lives high-pitched and light-winged Happiness, Sainted and Pure Love lives here!” And instead, in reply - a boat splashes quietly and swings by a birch... guilder-rose bushes grizzle in milk of super-dewy drizzle... Like it wasn’t here...
His eyes are a captivity and liberation of your Spirit, disappearance and immortality of your dreams, color of night and bottomless abyss which ate up your ideas and dreams... And gave you wings to glide above her at nightly, filled with valuable diamonds of stars sky. Dark sky of his eyes, struck by the myriads of worlds, by their reflection on the bottom of your subconsciousness. A mighty flash and life is in the unified burning of that Moment which must last to Eternity. And will last, infinitely, while the Unified Heart burns and pounding, while you’re in a Sky and the Sky's in you. It quietly talks by the depth of His mysterious eyes with the words that are clear only for both of us.

24 September 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

Excellent writing with some truly brilliant phrases. Quite captivating! This line needs a comma I think "that whisper words of (the?) unknown[,] yet songs, made for Him." Beautifully written.....Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   27.09.2007 06:39     Заявить о нарушении
O, I’m glad that you had a time to read it.
I’m still learning the language and your advices and your opinions are priceless for me.
The sentence is fixed.
Even your l. name radiates some warmness…
With respect,

Юрий Лазирко   28.09.2007 18:10   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.