Spectacular Delight

Words penned upon a sea of white
entice my heart to sing
by telling me of Cupid's dart
heart-shot from golden wing,
of Goddesses and titans
nymphs and satyrs in detail
that carry me to places where
no ship can dare to sail.

They tell of vain Narcissus and
nymph Echo, left to pine,
a treasure trove of fables from
mythology's deep mine.
A writ of life for Cupid and
for Psyche's tortured love
as Zephyr carried her across
the valley like a dove.

A paper bridge will carry me
across the fatal Styx,
avoiding Hades' pitfalls and
swift Hermes' nasty tricks.
Grave ink transforms intrepid leaf,
to hero of my dreams,
yet nothing in that realm we build
is quite the way it seems.

In tears I bled for Orpheus,
who wailed down by the sea,
the sad lament that moved the gods,
his loss ~ Eurydice.
So softly and so tenderly
upon the wings of write
above the earth in awe I soar
and marvel of this sight.

Oh, tell me of the timeless myths,
scrawled in heroic hand,
tell about the constellations,
and Jupiter so grand,
the golden man within the moon
that visits every night,
the phantom of my musical,
"Spectacular Delight."

© Copyright 2004 Mattie Sue Dubois (Dark Moon)

I am sure all these mythological personages would be pleased along with readers. It increases impact when intermixing sad myths with happy ones.

Леон Татис   21.09.2007 01:14     Заявить о нарушении
Oh I like this one even though at the time I wrote it I only knew a few stories of mythology. Thanks to you I have learned many now and I love them. Love and Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   21.09.2007 07:07   Заявить о нарушении
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