
False peace is found within duplicity
for when God's Spirit truly lives in thee
how can you find more than adversity?

And when we walk in faith by God's good grace
the earth will be no home, no restful place,
for sacred light this world would not embrace.

When Jesus cried, who loved, who called him friend?
Did he not die upon the cross for men
who loathed and vowed a demon he had been?

Now, when we love despite no love returns
we know that Jesus lives inside and burns
His name into our heart that never spurns

No, there will be no peace on earth to find
and if a peace be found then we are blind
for love will bleed and grieve for lost mankind.

His sacred love bears all who e'er they be
despite the dark contempt men hold for thee
with zeal and love serve God eternally.

© Copyright 2007 Mattie Sue Dubois (Dark Moon)

Author Comments:

This Poem does not speak of Peace in terms of the 'Peace that comes with personal salvation' that is given to us by God....Also, note that generosity and caring for others does not require money, it requires love.

"...John spent his youth between the beautiful earth of God and the New Testament, full of light and truth. He busied himself absorbing 'the Book' and between these intense, light-giving sessions, he watched the domes of the churches in the nearby villages and listened to the rhythmic toll of the bells. John was suffering physically with God and glorifying with Him in spirit when he noticed his Oxen were missing. A monk appeared and was restraining his anger, and he said, "I saw them, Your oxen have ruined our plantation and destroyed our vineyards. Since you are responsible for the damage we will not give up your oxen until you adjust our loss." John protested, "I am poor and have no money. Please release my oxen and I pledge my honor that I will never again bring them to these lands." The head priest, raised his hand toward heaven, and said, "God has appointed us to be the protectors over this vast land of St. Elijah, and it is our sacred duty to guard it with all our might, for this land is holy, and like fire, it will burn any who trespass upon it. If you refuse to account for your crime against God, the grass that your oxen have eaten will surely turn into poison and destroy them!" ...John continues his plea... After a short silence, John's face brightened and his eyes shone as if fear and servility had deserted his heart. With his head high, he looked at the head priest and addressed him boldly, saying, "Do the weak poor have to sell their pitiful belongings, the source of their life's bread, in order to add more gold to the Monastery's wealth? Is it just that the poor should be oppressed and made poorer in order that St. Elijah may forgive the oxen their innocent wrongs?" The head priest raised his eyes to heaven and intoned, "It is written in 'the Book' of God that he who has plenty shall be given more, and he who has not shall be taken from." When John heard these words he became furious, and like a soldier who draws his sword in the face of the enemy, he drew the New Testament from his pocket and shouted out, "This is how you twist the teachings of Christ, you hypocrite!! And thus do you pervert the most sacred heritage of life in order to spread your evils...Woe to you when the Son of Man comes again and destroys your Monastery and throws its debris in the valley, and burns your shrine and altars into ashes...Woe to you when the wrath of the Nazarene descends upon you and throws you into the depths of the abyss...Woe to you, worshippers of the idols of greed, who hide the ugliness of hatred under your black garments...Woe to you, foes of Jesus, who move your lips with prayers while your hearts are laden with lusts...Woe to you who kneel before the alter in body while your spirits are revolting against God! You ridiculed me when I asked for mercy in the name of Christ. Take this 'Book' and show your smiling monks where the Son of God ever refused to forgive...Read this heavenly tragedy and tell them where He spoke not of mercy and of kindness, be it in the Sermon on the Mount, or in the temple. Did He not forgive the adulteress her sins? Did He not part his hands upon the Cross to embrace humanity? You are numerous, and I am alone--you may do unto me what you wish; the wolves prey upon the lamb in the darkness of the night, but the blood stains remain upon the stones in the valley until the dawn comes, and the sun reveals the crime to all."...he prayed, "Oh Jesus, who are sitting in the heart of the circle of light, give heed! Look upon this earth from behind the blue dome and see how the thorns have choked the flowers which thy truth hast planted. Oh Good Shepherd, the wolves have preyed upon the weak lamb, which Thou hast carried in Thy arms. Thy pure blood has been drawn into the depths of the earth, which Thy feet have made sacred. This good earth has been made by Thine enemies into an arena where the strong crushes the weak. The cry of the miserable and the lamentation of the helpless can no longer be heard by those sitting upon the thrones, preaching Thy word. The lambs, which Thou hast sent to this earth, are now wolves that eat the one which Thou hast carried and blessed. The word of light which sprang forth from Thy heart has vanished from the scripture and is replaced with an empty and terrible uproar that frightens the spirit. Oh Jesus, they have built these churches for the sake of their own glory, and embellished them with silk and melted gold...They left the bodies of Thy chosen poor wrapped in tattered raiment in the cold night...They filled the sky with the smoke of burning candles and incense and left the bodies of Thy faithful worshippers empty of bread...They raised their voices with hymns of praise, but deafened themselves to the cry and moan of the widows and orphans. Come again, Oh Living Jesus, and drive the vendors of Thy faith from Thy sacred temple, for they have turned it into a dark cave where vipers of hypocrisy and falsehood crawl and abound. Come Oh Jesus, the grapevine which Thou planted with Thy right hand has been eaten by worms of greed and its bunches have been trampled down. Thy sons of peace are dividing amongst themselves and fighting one with another, leaving poor souls as victims in the wintry field. Before Thy altar, they raise their voices with prayers, saying 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' Will our Father in heaven be glorified when His name is uttered by empty hearts and sinful lips and false tongues?..." The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

I’d just wanted to add – that since ‘love’ – is ‘God’, we’ve no choice, but to transform God’s Will into existence.
As always well written!
With God’s Love,
Iouri :)

Юрий Лазирко   11.10.2007 17:37     Заявить о нарушении
Oh, Hi! Sorry for taking so long to respond. I have been in the process of moving to my new home and the move is slow. Hopefully I will get things back on a normal level soon. Thank you for the most kind review. Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   22.10.2007 06:26   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 4 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.