Pages of my chaos

(translation of Лученко Святослава "Сторiнки мого хаосу")

My city can be tender and snow-bound,
Grey, covered with white petals…
Whether I’ll stare out of a window, or walk... down streets, amid calmness
Amuse myself with a thought, that everything is passing fast... and time as well

Certainly, it’s my overcoming of endlessness of these
heavy clouds… some wild fear of myself...
It’s my belief of my existence and presence here.
Not just for fun, incessantly wind drives clouds over-the-horizon...

Behind that horizon, it is possible to find you.

He thought - Eternity will hide everything from him,
He hoped not to scratch a surface of his memory...
But there is the night, which assembles itself in patterns
And those stars are shining in the breathing space of dark chaos.

He thought that would not recall Her… but – recollection came.

At first, I was drained to count days, and then –
to outlive the spring...
And then even flowers were hidden under snow.
And I expected…

My city can be Ours,
But presently ravens settled here...
Or maybe the avulsion doesn’t quite exist,
Because we’re quite alongside.
The heart for some reason so gustily answers in thoughts:
Where are you? Here or there? Where?
Only faith is without boundaries…

18 September 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

Сторiнки мого хаосу

Юрий Лазирко   18.09.2007 22:14     Заявить о нарушении