Let it rain

The radiance of sun
laid solar spawns on soil,
This time the childish gust
waived rights to toss a leaf.
My summer really knows
how to degust and toil,
it’s trouncing in a hush
a billion watt relief.

Two pigeons’ cooing stopped;
a cuckoo lost its tally –
the cork of sky’s unplugged
for pouring and to bless…
And you can feel and catch
how swiftly spirit’s rallying
at Heaven’s open gates…
and how Earth’s lips confess.

The billion watt… unleashed.
This barking with a thunder
unrolls long echo’s tongue
to terrify and tease.
And life throws out applause
accepting mighty wonder
Oh God, it’s time to rain –
the soul is empty.

September 7, 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

I love the phrase "billion watt" artificial effulgence......Well written and it was a pleasure to read. Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   21.09.2007 21:16     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Sue!
I’m glad to hear that you liked it :)
It is my pleasure as well to have you as a reader.

Юрий Лазирко   24.09.2007 20:38   Заявить о нарушении
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