Guilder-rose s charms

(translation of Лученко Святослава "Калиновi чари")

He has gone to her… Evening…. Between guilder-rose’s sigh
Where the brown eyes of August are warm, thirsty for love.
He went there aimlessly... The Moon was crying with its white body,
Where she met him between herbages with a silky fire.
Sorrow meandered by a strange paper Kite.
Wherein Two are persecuted by Vortex... And your lips are crimson
And blushing with a tart brilliance... Near...
Charms of Nights are lusting in the puff of smoke and dewily flowing
And Stars are laughing and splashing in a steamy estuary
Wherein Two.
You and I
We’re going to drink up these guilder-rose’s charms,
The red clusters are aflame.
Tart juice of your kiss
Of this nectar... a whisper, a plot
I’m falling down again… in you –
In the sky of Passion...

6 September 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

Калиновi чари:

Юрий Лазирко   06.09.2007 18:30     Заявить о нарушении