Towering Inferno

I tower my Inferno to the skies,
It`s built of stone and crumbling ice,
It`s built of lava, glowing fires,
It`s made of veins nad burning wires.
I can`t widen my prison, but I can rise it higher,
I can`t brak my chains, but I still desire,
I can`t cut my veins, cus my hands are tied...
So I`ve built my hell to the skies,
Monument to pain in your eyes,
And I`ll build it further till I die,
Yet there is no reason,
No answer to the question "why".

Великолепное стихотворение! Очень пронравилось.

The answer to the question "why"
Will be desiring on the sky.

C теплом, Мария.

Мария Вертоградская   28.08.2007 11:58     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибище!!!Мне тоже!!
My tower crumbles,
I am free,
I know how to give my love to thee,
And no more tears in my eyes,
My past is gone, that will suffice!

But still there are tears in my eyes,
But tears of happyness,
I look towards the glowing skies,
And there`s no more emptyness

Белая Ушастик-Путаник   28.08.2007 12:25   Заявить о нарушении