Luigi s dialogs

(translation of Лученко Святослава "Дiалоги з Луiджi")

(or lyric monologues – as it seems to someone)

Everything is so relative:
your eyes were close,
Beloved and acquainted,
as a fatigue of expectation…
As an exhaustion without a point of return.
And yet – restlessness grows,
When you do not know that He
Is only your imaginary Wonder,
A page-turner… and some ringing,
All of a sudden, makes its out-of-dream-comeback
As everything is decay. And at the same time –
You’re, like Eternity.

I love you, my cheerless boy!
Dewy morning in your City –
only one of the mornings filled with a scurry.
Your coffee… or maybe…
We’re so alike -
I also don’t have time and … in hurry.
That one lays a border, who guesses – I’ll say:
« I consent to anything...»
No, I don’t’ know... But, oh boy…
I’ll wait for the get-together.

Man is afraid of a great number of things:
But more than anything, of Madness.
Or it might be just my fear.
And you’re alive among reincarnations.
But I am not worry.
I’d like to share a music sounded in me.

Days are whether sultry or quiet.
Nights are filled with a twitter, rustle, blossoming.
Or with a rain, as it is today.
We agree to live our life
And to rendezvous somewhere... on the other side of reaching,
on the other side of Dreams.
That is, my boy,
Lord defined a wonderful way to Love!

August 24 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

Чи то є один з тих перекладів, про який ішлося (ота бандероля)?
Наскільки мені дозволяє мова - чудово! Можна спитати, що значить "A page-turner" - вибач невігласови...
We agree to live our life
And to rendezvous somewhere...

Леся Романчук   27.06.2008 22:51     Заявить о нарушении
Так, Лесю - тут є всі переклади, котрі повинні би були війти у авторки збірку...
А ось лінк на оригінал:

"A page-turner" - гортач сторінок... :)

Юрий Лазирко   28.06.2008 00:36   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.