Вольный перевод песни Выйду ночью в поле с конем..

I will go with horse on the field
We must go together tonight
I will go with horse, I will go tonight
I will go tonight with horse on the field

There many stars in the sky.
We are on the field, you and I.
Only I with horse go on the field
Only I with horse go on the field.

I will seat on my bravish horse,
You will carry me with your force
You will carry me on the pretty field
I will go on the beautiful field.

Oh, my fields and my greatest streams
I see village lights near hills,
Oh, my golden rye and my curly flax
I love Russia with her rains and snowflakes.

Ух, ты!

...пропел - ЗДОРОВО!

Андрей Чистяков   10.06.2008 18:54     Заявить о нарушении
Рада, что Вам понравилось, Андрей! Пойте везде и всегда!
С теплом,

Ольга Нежная   11.06.2008 00:52   Заявить о нарушении