Because Of You

Because of you I’ve traveled round the whole word,
Because of you I’ve planted several thousand trees,
Because of you I’ve searched for diamonds and gold
And almost died alone from serious disease.

Because of you I’ve taken part in different wars,
I’ve asked a lot of people what they’re fighting for.
I’ve understood that if just one of them returns
He will forever fight against another war.


Because of you I’ve lost my sleep
And cannot find where I belong,
And all the memories I keep
Because of you are always strong.
Because of you I’ve felt much pain,
As much as happiness and joy,
But never wanted to complain
Or to refuse the world to join.
Because of you I’ve made mistakes
And never wished them to review,
And I don’t care what it takes –
Just to exist because of you.

Because of you I’ve flown through the threatening sky,
Because of you I’ve climbed Mount Everest as well,
Because of you in my heart there’s no place for lie,
Because of you I even don’t believe in hell.

Because of you I’ve argued with my destiny and death:
I’ve told them I would live for you for thousand years.
They cannot bare those who fight for just one breath
But always give another chance to that who dares.


Because of you I’ve loved the rain,
Domestic flowers in the pots,
Vanilla yoghurts, trips by train
And books with complicated plots,
To listen to the morning birds
Awaked at six or even five,
And thank the whole universe
For every moment of my life.

