Must be perfect

That’s me. That’s all that I can offer:
My loosen mind, my lighten soul.
I know with You I must be perfect
Or mustn’t be with You at all

If You are tired of all this – sorry!
An awful snow that looks like rain…
And if sometimes You found me boring
I beg You pardon once again

If You don’t want me to be crazy
I’ll be invisible and quiet
I tried my best to look amazing
So, please, just understand me right

This weather’s real “catastrofa”
But, oh mon Dieu, is it my fault?
I’ll try my best to make things perfect
Or never make a thing at all

I hope You’ve found the needed CD
And all the other things You need
And liked Your piece of our city
(I mean the stone on Arbat Street)

Yes, I remember: no more flowers
I’ll find more ways to show I care
Your wish has got a special power:
No other present but Red Square ;)

My site’s now loading mighty faster
You may just check to see it’s so
I can’t change something everlasting:
This awful rain that looks like snow

I’m thankful for the way You treat me
For Your attention, just for all
Whenever You would like to meet me
I will be here, You only call

January, 15th. 2007

Понравилось. Очень душевно.
Не буду утверждать - проверьте, но мне кажется, что "I beg YouR pardon" пишется через youR.

Сергей Осипов   14.08.2007 17:06     Заявить о нарушении
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