Two Faced Anyone Of Us

Man-In-Street Is Everywhere
Dreamin’ Of Vanity Fair –
He Is Simply Goin’ With The Stream …
And He Isn’t Of Great Danger,
Doesn’t Rouse Someone’s Anger,
Anyone Of Us Can Be As Him

But When Watchman Turns On Street Light
In The Darkness Of The Midnight,
Long Ago Havin’ Done His Part,
He Stays With His Cogitations,
Enters Into Conversations
With The Darkness Secrecies Of Heart.

He Gives Free Gein To His Fancy
And Admires To The Dancin’
Of The Demons Of Self-Love & Pride
He Can Feel So Happy Now
Givin’ Up All Watchin’ How
They’re Depictin’ Him The Greatest Sight,

And He Sees Himself, As Ever
Modest, Generous & Clever,
In The Circle Of Delighted Friends
Fetin’ His Determination
For The Good Of Mother-Nation,
For Which He Has Squander’d All His Sands!

Then He Sees Himself On Squares –
Under Human Ocean’s Stares,
Overwhelmed By Unconcealed Delight,
Crowd’s Boilin’ With Emotions
With The Clamours Of Devotions …
But He Sees It Only In The Night!
