Up On Moving Down Staircase

Malicious Fate Makes Me Run Up
Not Askin’ Even If I Please,
‘Cos It Wants Me To Take A Cup,
D’ye Now See What My Life Is?
I Must Find Time For Everything –
For Love, For Business, For A Drink …

So I Can’t But Be Runnin’ Up
On Movin’ Down Staircase.
It Is Impossible to Stop
For Me In This Eternal Race …
When Pushin’ Forward In Some Mist
I Shock Men Down By My Fist …

Run Up Up Up Up
On Movin’ Down Staircase!
Don’t Stop Stop Stop Stop!
Do Mend Your Pace!
Just Hit The Pace!

If I Stop, I’ll Be Thrown Back
And Down Far, Hard To Believe
That After Troubles, In A Crack,
I’ll Lose All What I Could Achieve …
To Understand With Awful Pain
That All My Efforts Were In Vain …

I Haven’t Got My Present-Past,
The Future Is Obscured From Me,
T’will Be So Till I Breathe My Last …
But I’ve Been Gaspin’, Can’t You See?
My Head Is Burnin’ Like A Flame …
I’ve Started To Forget My Aim …

Already I’ve Forgotten It ..
Indeed … Indeed … Indeed … Indeed …
