
You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

Crazy, I think, you are fucking crazy bitch,
Every second I was attacked by your crazy speech,
Your crazy points of view on erevy fucking thing,
I'm just stupid prisoner of my wedding ring.

OK, let's keep the silence, you do it well.
Talking with you is not a pleasure, it's a hell!
Keep out from my house before I'll kill you,
Tomorrow you will find another idiot, will you?

You fucked my brain hundred times a day,
And after that you say "All is OK"?
No, my dear! I'm not so fucking stupid man,
I will not let you, dear, to hurt me again!

Well, my dear, how much dudes did you satisfy,
Did they all know that your hobby is just lie?
Stop this! Stop! I don't want to see you any more!
Take the chocolate medal, bitch, in the candy store!

You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

You are greedy of money, baby, that's why I hate you,
Say thank to me, baby, I won't kill you,
I just want, baby, to forget you forever,
Close my eyes and ears... Meet you again? Never!

Take that summer cottage, that fucking car,
And went away as fast, as falling star,
I will live in this little, dirty flat,
If only you dissapear from me, I'll be glad!

You will come back to me, I will just drive you out,
If you will go near my house, just keep out,
That is all about us, the fucking game is over,
I'm happy! Why not you? I think you wanted it!

Oh, no! I look like a little sucking pig?
Now you will satisfy your needs with a stick!
Suck my dick, bitch! Good bye, my fucking love!
Take your stuff out of my room, as said above!

You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

You are looking on me, swallowing my own tears,
I'm telling you important things, you close your ears,
Every day, you've been with me, was pain for me,
I will not kill you, you must say thank to me.

Брр.... Что-то уж слишком жестко и жестоко...) Интересно, кому это посвящалось?.. Если вообще посвящалось... эээххъ... жестко ну очень....

Такой странный негативный отпечаток получила...

А написано вроде неплохо;)

Анастасия Шихова   27.09.2007 15:44     Заявить о нарушении
Это песня будет. Просто хотел написать текст на английском и считаю, у меня получилось! Негатив - да, так уж захотелось:) А про то, кому это посвящается... наверное всем таким сукам:) Конкретно никому. Слава богу, не сталкивался пока с такими и думаю не столкнусь! Рад, что "написано вроде неплохо". Спасибо, Настюш!

Денис Абрамов   29.09.2007 17:14   Заявить о нарушении