Steel chains shine

Steel chains shine
On the moonlight
When I am trying to breathe,
Those chains spine
Around my heart,
They’re down around my feet.

They took my hands,
They pull me down
To the gray and cold floor,
They catch my steps,
They close my mouth,
I hardly find the door.

I found the door,
But where’s a key?
The key’s inside of me,
So I can roar,
Can only feel
Someone who’ll make me free.


That's what all of us feel sometimes: chains around our necks & hands...
But very few of us can find out the main thing, the sense of all.
You are lucky.You know you are the key to your life.
So break up the chains & open the door! The world is beautiful outside!!!
With respect & best wishes,

Люция Нова   01.07.2008 18:06     Заявить о нарушении